MedGUIDE E-learning on its way

[By Riitta Hellmann January 2019] During the autumn 2018 the MedGUIDE project’s personnel has been working with the creation of an e-learning resource for people with dementia and their caregivers. This caregivers’ resource will provide a wide variety of dementia-related information for both formal and informal caregivers. An important part of the resource will the […]

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MedGUIDE Prototype development in progress

[By Martijn Vastenburg December 2018]  The preparations for the field trial are in full swing. The devices and sensors are ready to be shipped to the three pilot countries, and the software is being finalized and tested. The field trials in Norway, Cyprus and The Netherlands are expected to start early January 2019.  The sensors […]

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MedGUIDE recruitment for the pilot

[By Helianthe Kort November 23 2018] For the MedGUIDE project we visited one Alzheimer Café in the Netherlands, several times. These cafés are usually organized once every month for persons with Alzheimer and other dementia disorders, for their family and professional cares. Every province in the Netherlands has one or more Alzheimer Café which offers […]

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MedGUIDE evaluation preparations

[By Sotia Nicolaou, Oct 10] MedGUIDE blog post During January 2019, the project’s consortium will test MedGUIDE system in home setting environment for the first time.  Nine older adults with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia (primary target group) who deal with polypharmacy issues (use 5 or more medicines per day) will be able to […]

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MedGUIDE, preparation of the first field trial

[By Els Dik, Aug, 29] We approach an important moment in the MedGUIDE project. For the first time, we will test the freshly designed MedGUIDE prototype at the home of the senior. The senior receives a little touch screen with MedGUIDE on it and the researcher will install the connected MedGUIDE-sensors in the rooms. Around […]

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MedGuide Work-in-progress: Concept development phase
Photo of wireframes

Many IT applications have been developed to support people with dementia and their family and formal caregivers. Unfortunately, many IT applications are not used by them because they do not match their needs and capacities. Therefore, in our study, involving network members and inclusion of people with dementia in the development and design process are […]

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Three days of sharing knowledge about Active and Assisted Living in beautiful Coimbra
AAL User Journey workshop participants are working on their user journeys

In the first week of October the annual AAL (Active and Assisted Living) Forum took place in the historical city of Coimbra, the former capital of Portugal. The MedGUIDE project was represented by ConnectedCare and Technical University Cluj. The aim was to gain and share knowledge about creating digital solutions that support active ageing. The […]

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MedGUIDE User Research and Requirements post-summer update
User research senior

End-user involvement is central in the MedGUIDE project. From the start of the project, our researchers have been talking to seniors, family members, professional caregivers and medical doctors. Their input helps us better understand the real problems, validate design ideas and iteratively improve the prototypes. The team is now in the process of defining the […]

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User research and requirements update

In June 2017, the MedGUIDE team attended the second plenary meeting in sunny Oslo. The project partners discussed the findings from user research, and explored design directions for the MedGUIDE platform. The team is working hard on user research in Cyprus, Norway and The Netherlands. Through interviews with patients with dementia, their family caregivers and […]

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MedGUIDE Kick-off meeting Arnhem

Start date: February 1, 2017 / End date: July 31, 2019 The MedGUIDE kick-off meeting took place in Arnhem in February 2017. All project partners were present, and discussed and aligned the project activities. In the first phase of the project, the focus will be on user research, requirements definition and concept development. The MedGUIDE […]

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